
Showing posts from 2012


花草树木疲倦时, 可以枯萎可以凋谢。 机械疲倦时, 可以暂停服务等待修复。 爱情,也可以有疲倦的时候—— 疲倦得懒得跟对方吵架 被误会懒得澄清解释 本来想争辩,不过宁愿睡一觉比较实际 短讯回复简短为妙 看电影时,荧幕上的剧情比身边的他/她来得更吸引 没有回电也不以为然 来临的特别节日没有感觉,也没准备要庆祝 爱情疲倦,连带一切都疲倦。 拿得起,放得下 谈何容易? 潇洒,还是不想在乎了? 世间有许多人与事都是一厢情愿的 一厢情愿也就是只有一方在面对 亲情,友情,爱情都一样 暗恋与单恋纯属愚蠢 付出与牺牲则是奢侈 受伤与疗伤却是活该 当一切结束时,也就简单地变成回忆 不是疲倦了,只是爱情,它睡着了。


Dear blog, I' ve got my last exam result today. Not satisfied. But just gotta accept. What to do? I just can keep trying n trying. Sometimes, really LOST in my study. When i keep doing my study, i found that i-- loss of patient to squeeze EVERY BLACKY STUPID WORDS into my mind. Ended up with SLEEPING or PLAYING TETRIS. (hahaha. so stupid) Yea, i know, we suppose to take study as a very happy and entertaining stufff. But, somehow i been suffering since i took up form 6, or it sounds better to say PRE-U. So,today suddenly got a mind of learning guitar. It takes me 2 hours in a week and total up 8 hours per month. If i arrange the time properly, i would able to handle both of my study and guitar lesson. Yea, but the fact isnt as simple as i thk. (Need practice, need time, need energy, how if your trial or stpm is round the corner? ......bla bla bla....) Dont know. Everything still in consideration. Then, i thk, is this just a hotfoot thking that simply flashed into ...
很伤心 很倒霉 最近到底怎么了 学业好像很坎坷 好难好难哦 是不够努力吗? 很冲动 一脚踢破了 裂了 但脚不感觉怎么痛 不过现在有点刺刺痛 很想发泄 但没有地方 长大le 我需要负上每件事情的责任 没人会来扛 要靠自己 很小气 因为小气所以心情容易受动摇 好多好多次都影响你了 很伤心 唉 呜呼 人可不可以不要长大? 今天是倒霉的一天 我要结束今天 睡觉 ~借口

Sleepless Night~ due to .....

Kay. This post has no any attractive points to read. I m just posting because of i have the mood. Tonight, after doing revision with him in library, he suddenly gt the mood to have cup of coffee. So we went starbucks to take a night-high-coffee as supper. Well. Have a nice inspired talk with him. For me, achieving a target is just like you collecting points in a match. We have to score in order to win. But, seems tat i've neglected so many small little marks and just hoping tat i can reach the score as like everyone do. He told me, i should actually pressurize myself in a moderate mode so that i cn do better thn now. Haha. XD. I dunno whether i face any stress while studying, OR just like he said, i seems very 'sang'. I rlly hope that my effort is paid  but not just doing so hard for nothing. Everyone would wish so. May be i should have treating my study more serious. Coz i knw, i m putting not enough effort. STPM result tells EVERYTHING. Hope i wnt be the o...