
Showing posts from March, 2020

Dream Crusher #5

真的可以说不爱就不爱了吗? 不喜欢就不喜欢? 我对你付出的青春这么多年,换来的却是谢谢你的成全 我想,我永远都不懂得爱

Dream Crusher #4

这次真的很痛很痛很痛 每天早上醒来就感到很痛 哭到泪干了但还是每天都在哭 很想讨厌你因为很想你 但我却做不到 因为曾经太太太投入 太爱了 太相信 太幸福 太开心 太自由 没想到给了这份自由 结果换来的尽是背叛 很想爱你 但我已经没有这个能力 因为太痛了 面包与爱情 我选择了面包 这就是结局 不跟剧本的结局

Dream Crusher #3

And i was thinking that how much blessed i had from God That i can go chase dream while having my pillar support behind I will always remember how bold and courageous i can be to go for the things i want in life Knowing that there is always someone to back me up Yet, it turned out to be a fantasies that i fall so hard for Dream stay forever as dream I wish i dint make any move, wish i was still there. So, my dream wont be a dream now. My lovely baby girl, I will always love her no matter how much she merajuk. sayang her is my happiness and i will never get bored of her. My lovely baby cutie pie, I will always love you no matter how you merajuk. Sayang you is my happiness and I will never get bored of her. Words are just words. & they still touch my nerve so much. 

Dream Crusher #2

I said i dont wanna miss out any part of your life anymore You said its fine because we were working out for better future You never told me that our love fade But instead you are using the words of ‘feeling’ Said you dont have feeling towards me anymore Since when the love became just feeling So all the words are just words They means nothing but just cruel shit slap to my face My gut told me not to miss out any part of each other life anymore But my gut dint tell me that you already have somebody who can give you better than i can So, you left me all alone in the fantasies you built. You left. Forever. That hurts.

Dream Crusher #1

So you told me that you stop loving me and you fall out of love from me. I was shocked and i dint realize that i was the one who moved out from your heart & now you find someone who u’d like to share your happiness with. I drank like real lot. I wish to get drunk and i can at least get a good night sleep. But the more i drank, the more sober i got. I have never been sober this way. So sober that i can feel all pain in my nerve so obviously, ripping my heart apart. I hope thats just a terrible nightmare. I hope u were joking. But apparently, things getting clearer & clearer when you insisted. I was disappointed. Of all the things we did together, of all the memories we have, Your confession isn't asking for forgiveness, yet asking for a breakup. So i said it to your face. Mental cheating, stop loving me & like me lesser than ever. Heart so break.