Dream Crusher #3

And i was thinking that how much blessed i had from God
That i can go chase dream while having my pillar support behind
I will always remember how bold and courageous i can be to go for the things i want in life
Knowing that there is always someone to back me up
Yet, it turned out to be a fantasies that i fall so hard for
Dream stay forever as dream
I wish i dint make any move, wish i was still there. So, my dream wont be a dream now.

My lovely baby girl,

I will always love her no matter how much she merajuk. sayang her is my happiness and i will never get bored of her.

My lovely baby cutie pie,
I will always love you no matter how you merajuk. Sayang you is my happiness and I will never get bored of her.

Words are just words. & they still touch my nerve so much. 


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